Customer Service Training TIps

Unshaven doesn’t mean unkempt

unkept2We all get the men’s fashion trend to sport the 5 o’clock shadow. Unfortunately, what we’re also seeing is some guys taking this as license to show-up to work looking slovenly. You may think your appearance at work is your business. That would be true if it wasn’t for the fact that your co-workers and customers are the ones who have to look at you. If you’re getting less respect, authority, or consideration from customers than you think you deserve, start by looking in the mirror. Does it look like you put some effort into getting ready for work? Seriously, do you look well-groomed? If not, it tells the world you lack attention to detail, and you focus on your own needs while being oblivious to others. If someone forwarded this tip to you, take the hint.

 Jeff Mowatt is a customer service strategist, award-winning speaker, and bestselling author.   For more tips, training tools or to inquire about engaging Jeff for your team visit

Today’s chuckle:

When your first child eats some earth, a bit of grass or a worm, you take it to the doctor. When your second child eats some earth, a bit of grass or a worm, you spit on a hankie and clean it. When your third child eats some earth, a bit of grass or a worm, you wonder whether it still needs lunch.

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